Leftover Daylight

I will be appearing in the Leftover Daylight series at Somewhere There this Friday evening. Details follow:

June 12
Leftover Daylight Series

i - the woodchoppers chamber ensemble
[nick buligan (trumpet) dave clark (drums, percussion) colin fisher (tenor saxophone, guitar) michael herring (bass) jason kenemy (piano) lewis melville (strings) scott thomson (trombone)]

ii - davison/ leblanc/ liu/ piilonen/ strachan
[william davison (electronics) joel leblanc (guitar - from new brunswick)
germaine liu (drums, percussion) rob piilonen (flute) jeremy strachan (woodwinds)]

iii - sounds to jan svankmajer short movies

moznosti dialogu (dimensions of dialogue) [11'15'']
paul dutton (mouth)

hra z kameny (game with stones) [8'35'']
jean martin (drums, laptop)

do pivnice (down the cellar) [15'20'']
odradek (odradekian instruments)

Leftover Daylight at Somewhere There
340 Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario CA

Note: the sounds to Svankmajer series is continuing throughout this month (curated by Tomasz Krakowiak). Very cool! I , along with Colin Fisher, will be providing sounds for one of my favorite Svankmajer films "A Quiet Week In the House" later this month (more on that when I have the exact date).

- William
