Pit-throated Kingfisher

An odd little item from the archives of Thomas Carnacki (our dear friend Greg Scharpen, et al) has popped up on Bandcamp, and this item has the dubious distinction of including audio material from The Recordists! It's a single-track release called "Pit-throated Kingfisher" by Thomas Carnacki (in this instance G.Scharpen, S.Higgins, W.A.Davison). You may find it here -


Wondering just how this misshapen monstrosity lumbered all-too-briefly into the limelight? Well, it's all explained in the helpful and informative liner notes accompanying the release!

And don't forget that this is Bandcamp Friday! The perfect day to purchase this little number...AND the S.O.T.N.E. / T.E.T. reissue I just made available -


- W.A.Davison

